Coercion’s End

This pending collection of narratives concerning the issue of modern slavery and the social mechanism of coercion in and of itself is currently accepting submissions through Submittable and email, and are listed on Duotrope.

Give us your fantasy, your fiction, your well-thought out theory, your art and your moving images.

No more than 20 pages of any writing or art format (digital art, moving images, etc., no limit) sent to with a PayPal or Venmo reading fee of $5 will be considered through Aug 18th.

Submissions appear in full for 30 days on Human Decency is Key.

Submitters will, at the month’s close, receive unlimited distribution of digital copies and a contract stipulating other terms for Kindle publication.

Donations of more than $5 will receive a free copy of the Kindle Anthology in addition to meeting the required reading fees.

Donors of $25 will receive feedback on your work from one of our judges. If you are a developing writer, this option could prove fruitful.